Making sure that we have the right Staff in the right place at the right time is of course one of the main jobs for all Team Supervisors and Managers as well as departmental or Corporate HR.
But in many situations the demands of the business go way beyond this generalisation. Whether you have the correct number of Staff with the specific Qualifications and Experience doing a specific Job can effect the very survival of the business – current legislative and inspection regimes for many businesses demand that this can be evidenced.
Staff Scheduling and Rostering for SDMS V HRPersonnel: Care Edition has been developed in close partnership with a group of four Midlands Hospices. Their exacting demands for a product which can assist the day by day Rostering job of Nursing Staff, Kitchen Supervisors and Organisers of Volunteers as well as the needs of Hospice CEOs for best solutions in Staffing Management underpins this product.
Rostering in Practice
Making sure that the right Staff with the right Skills, Expertise and Qualifications are in the right place at the right time is increasingly critical to the day to day operations of Hospices and Care Homes.
Preparation of the Monthly Staff Roster often consumes vast amounts of time from the Key Team Leaders or Department Managers responsible for doing this. It is not untypical for them to be prepared on Rostering Wall Charts gathering together disparate and sometimes incomplete information about Staff Holidays, Absence and Leave, known Staff Personal Preferences and then relying on the background knowledge of the Manager as to who is available.
Even where systems, such as Payroll or Personnel Software, might hold all or some of this information it may not be available to the Senior Nurse or Voluntary Staff Manager whose job it is to prepare the Roster.
SDMS V HRPersonnel for Windows: Hospice and Care Edition has been extended and developed with Care Homes and now has a fully integrated Staff Scheduling and Rostering Module. It draws all this information together and makes it available to help prepare the Monthly Roster with a sophisticated graphical rostering tool.
Daily Rostering Screen |
Monthly Rostering Screen |
SDMS V HRPersonnel - Comprehensive
SDMS V HRPRostering is fully integrated with SDMS V HRPersonnel for Windows. This comprehensive and extensive Personnel Administration system includes basic Employee Records, Employment Contracts, Post and Job management, Pay and Salary Records, Time and Attendance, Training Administration, Recruitment and Selection and Export to Payroll.
Comprehensive and detailed Employee Records for all types of Staff are easily maintained. While the minimum of data is required by the system, a wide range of personal information can be easily held including Staff Reference and National Insurance Number, Names, Known As, Addresses, Gender, Ethnicity, Date of Birth, Posts Held, Job Titles and Responsibilities, Dates of Appointment, Retirement Dates, Career Benchmarks, Promotions, Next of Kin and Doctors’ Details. Staff may be assigned to Departments, Locations, Operational Teams or Groups within the Organisation.
Establishment, Post and Job Management in the Software is able to accommodate the simplest to the most complex range of Jobs and Posts from Recruitment to Retirement. Employees can share the same Post or be assigned to several Posts simultaneously. Pay Grade and Scale Points together with Funding can be set against Posts, as well as Induction, Competency and Training Requirements. A wide range of statistics on Post Occupancy can be produced with full FTE Reporting. Part Time, Casual and Temporary Employees can all be managed with the Software. Comprehensive Attendance with Sickness, Absence, Holiday as well as Maternity and Paternity Leave is supported.
The Training Administration Module supports Full Course Management and Administration with Course Scheduling, Course Advertising, Enrolments and Attendance. Full Training Histories are maintained for all Employees.
SDMS V HRPersonnel for Windows includes extensive Employee Recruitment and Selection functions. From the identification of Recruitment Needs (based on Employee Retirement Dates, Temporary and Fixed Term Post Dates, Planned Maternity and other Extended Leave Dates), creating New Posts, Campaign Planning, Advertising, Initial Enquiry Management, Candidate Selection to Short Listing, Interviewing and Assessment, taking up References and Pre-employment Checks, as well as Final Appointment.
SDMS V HRPRostering - Functions
SDMS V HRPRostering allows the user to draw together key Person, Post and Contractual elements of data to plan (Roster) the Work and Attendance of Employees. This includes: Basic person data of Employees, Bank Staff and Volunteers, Qualifications, Skills and Accreditation (Grade), Contractual information on Working Hours (Days of the Week, Start/Finish Times, Time Off rules, Overtime rules), Work Patterns, Personal Preferences, Departmental Staffing Requirements, Sickness and Absence, Holiday and Annual Leave Booking, Booked or Planned Training Days.
An unlimited number of Rostering Templates can be defined setting out Shift Type, Start/Finish Times and Number of Staff required for different parts of the Organisation. Further detail allows the template to specify the Types of Staff Required and how many people of each type are required for each day of the week enabling the system to automatically select the best matching Staff required for the Rota. The Rostering functionality starts with defining the Rostering Template Requirements in terms of Time/Days requirements and Staffing Level requirements. There can be many Rostering Templates, each with different requirements. Having set up a Rostering Template, the user can then create the initial Draft Rota, by matching the Rostering Template requirements against the profile and availability of the Staff. A first Draft Rota is then published for the next 4 weeks for people to add their Self Rostering requirements for Time Off or Specific Shifts they want to work. This is also presented in the form of a browse screen with Data Amendment Functionality. Once the Rota is complete, the Attendance can be recorded against it.
Attendance can be logged, analysed and reported on. Date, Time and Duration, together with Reasons and whether Paid or Not can be held for each absence and matched against the Standard Work Pattern for the Employee. Absence can be logged on a Daily or Weekly basis and the software fully complies with the EU Working Time Directive. Statutory and Non-statutory Sick Pay can be calculated and passed for payment. Maternity Leave and Pay are also fully managed together with the ability to apply Non-statutory Leave provisions. Roster Time and Attendance can then be exported to Payroll Timesheets.
Business Benefits
By ensuring the best fit of Staff to requirements SDMS V HRPRostering for Windows saves time, eliminates the errors and manual adjustments associated with paper based rosters, makes it easier to manage and anticipate Staffing Levels for the present and future keeping Staff Costs to a minimum and by helping you get the right Staff in the right place, ensures compliance with Legal and Care Standards.