SDMS V e-Adviser for Web and Intranet Access

Web and Intranet Access

SDMS V Adviser and School Support for Windows with SDMS V e-Adviser provides an extensive Adviser Diary and School Visit recording system with Web and Intranet Access for Advisers and other Education and Children's Services staff. Fully integrated, this system significantly extends the capacity of Education and Children's Services to support Schools by a simple easy to use web based system, recording School Visits and Adviser Diary committments. Massively reducing time-consuming paperwork, the simple process of recording appointment and School Visits leads to a comprehensive profile of support provided to Schools by the Local Authority - by all types of Staff, subject or business area, service type, date and by School and phase.

The Adviser and Officer Diary

The Windows software provides full functionality on Windows platforms and a “back office” for the Web Access Module. Advisory and Inspection services can be more effectively managed with the software’s individual Adviser or Advisory Team Diaries. A simple and easy to use diary allows dates and times of Schools visits to be logged. At-a-glance calendar views bring you immediately up-to-date on diary commitments. Simple reports of Schools’ visits can be recorded – with optional School assessments, with a full assessment and School status history. Extensive details of service level agreements and contracts with Schools, where required, can be held with a detailed profile of the services delivered to meet them. Full and extensive details of School visits undertaken by Advisers can be recorded, including: EDP priority, the type of work undertaken, the scope of the work, specific objectives, any associated costs and revenues, preparation time and reporting time involved. Who requested the service, contract details, if applicable and the date, time, and duration of the visit can also be logged. The software aids the planning of Adviser workloads and time commitments, as well as providing an indispensable tool for monitoring and evaluating the support provided to Schools by the Local Authority. Highly flexible and user definable, the software permits as little or as much data to be held as and when required. SDMS V Adviser and School Support for Windows includes many easy to use features: Wise Owls aid learning, Quick Administrators allow the production of Word Documents and other administrative tasks in a quick and automatic way without leaving the software; Administration Checklists audit and check whether key tasks have been completed on time; Business Rules allow the user to modify many aspects of the software to operate in exactly the way you want.

Seamless, Dynamic, Interactive

Adviser commitments - whether diary entries, training, team meetings, personal appointments - planned, set up, scheduled and programmed with the “back office” features of SDMS V Adviser and School Support for Windows are available seamlessly and dynamically to any authorised web user. And vice versa - appointments made by Advisory Support Staff or indeed other Advisers when scheduling work with Schools are immediately available to the respective Adviser when viewing the web diary. The delays, which occur when diaries are not synchronised until later, is avoided. Likewise, when Advisers or Managers schedule meetings via the web system they dynamically appear in the School Visit Scheduling and Planning features of the “back office” SDMS Adviser and School Support for Windows software. Improved communication, faster response to School requirements, reduced costs and bureaucracy are real, tangible benefits of using SDMS V Adviser and School Support for Windows and SDMS V e-Adviser for Web.

Anywhere - Anytime

While the Windows software is of course available to Advisers and others when “in the office”, SDMS V e-Adviser Web Access provides secure access for Advisers wherever they are and at whatever time they wish to access it. Time delays are reduced and more up to date records of support to Schools achieved.

School Information Directory and Support History

In addition, SDMS e-Adviser provides an on-line directory of essential School information including School Name, Address, Location, Key Contacts, School Profile (such as student numbers, etc.) as well as Staff at the School. Each Adviser or officer can see at-a-glance from the browser the history of support and consultancy for the School - whether provided by themselves or other Advisers.

Structured Data

We are all familiar with the difficulties in gathering data from staff in a usable form with no errors or need for clarification and correction. Allowing data on a form or in software to be optional is often a recipe for poor data collection. That is why with SDMS web based diary system all key data is required. Dates, times, subject or educational priority code, service type with description of work delivered to the School are all required data to ensure that a balance between individual diary record and Education and Children's Services information needs is achieved.

Implementation Services

SDMS V e-Adviser is supported by a range of implementation services encompassing Web Server Installation, Implementation Consultancy, User Training, Technical Support, Project Management and Bespoke Software Development.